Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Welcome to the Journey and Goal Setting in Akulivik!

September Over View

We had so much fun with August/Septembers focuses! To start out the year for “Welcome to the Journey” we made hand prints and wrote “I have what it takes!” on top. Then we each signed our handprints. We started learning about our athlete with puzzle clues (an idea I found on our amazing community!). We split into groups and had races to see which group could decipher the puzzle first, and then we researched some new words to understand the clue. After each clue we added to our giant KWL chart about our athlete, which we will continue to revisit throughout the year, and we added a little to our athlete discovery board.

After we learned that our athlete was Jesse Cockney we watched the first video. The kids were so excited to hear him say my name and our village! One of our “Wonders” on our chart was the Olympics so we started to research about the Winter Olympics. We learned all about the symbol of the Olympics and made our own with tissue paper.

We did a “Write the room” activity all about the sports in the Winter Olympics. We watched some videos including the amazing highlights from the Sochi Olympics and we read all about the Olympics with some comprehension books.

Then September started and we went full force into “Goal Setting!” We talked about what goals were, then we watched Jesse’s goal setting video. The kids were captivated! We re-watched the video while filling out a fill in the blank sheet that I designed to get the important parts.

We then began writing our SMART goals. SMART stands for Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, and Timed. The students created water colour backgrounds for their mountains, and cut out a mountain silhouette to glue on top. They then wrote their steps for their goal on small pieces of paper and glued it onto the mountain.


Throughout these two months we also learned about what a mentor is, and created a video entitle “A Mentor is…” which I will be posting soon!

We had a crazy, busy, super fun start to the year, and the kids are so proud of everything they have accomplished!

Thanks to Classroom Champions and Jesse Cockney! 


  1. I love the hand prints and the mountains. Your kids did a great job!

  2. Sounds like a great start to your year with your adorable kids!
