Thursday, December 15, 2016

All about community in kindergarten

This has been such a fun two months learning about community.  We have read books, learned what a community is and how they help us, had a dentist visit the classroom, made blankets for the Project Linus organization and notes to give appreciation to the staff at our school, recognizing that they are our school community.

Some classic books about community we read are Gloria, by Peggy Rathman, Firefighter Ted, by Andrea Beaty, Mrs.Bindergarten Takes a Field Trip, by Joseph Slate, Clothes Line Clues to Jobs People Do, by Kathryn Heling andDeborah Hembrook and Horray for our Heros, by Sarah Albee.  These are some fun books that the students were able to understand more about what a community member might do, that is can be a job or just a person helping others.  We also learned about people at a church can be a community, the lunch ladies, fire fighters, etc.  Books are such a great way to introduce a concept and information to start the conversations like community.

We did a community helpers picture sort where students had to match the worker with the equipment or tools the person might need to do their job.  After reading the several books and just general knowledge of the concept, the students did pretty well matching.  

I was able to connect with Portland Family Dentistry and have a dentist visit our classroom.  He was able to share how he helps the community by keeping teeth healthy and strong, helping kids and families.  He demonstrated some tooth brushing skills, flossing and let the kids brush silly string off the giant tooth with a giant tooth brush.  It was fun and engaging and very meaningful to the students to see a community worker in action.  The students see many community workers each day, but recognizing exactly who these people are and being able to ask questions was wonderful.

We did an activity for Christmas with our names.  Each letter of the students name was printed on a triangle that when glued together, made a tree.  Students with more letters in their name took longer.  I loved how spontaneously while working, students that finished early helped others that were taking longer.  We talked about how our classroom is a community and that helping others is a great way to be a community member.  When someone is hurt, needs help or a friend, that is being a community member.  Kids are as important to a community as adults.

For our service project, we decided to help the foster kids in our area by making the Project Linus blankets.  I found a great resource on Teachers Pay Teachers that worked through with the students how to plan a project, make it happen and reflect on the process.  I had students illustrate getting the fabric, cutting it, tying knots, and the delivery of the blankets.  I think it was great for the students to see the fabric didn't just show up cut and ready to give.  There is a process.  I tried to do as much of the cutting with the students so they could see that part of the process.  

The students loved tying the knots in the blankets, helping each other when they were done with their section.  They were talking about how much they loved the blanket, cozy feeling and how much the other kids would love having them.  Many wanted to go on a bus field trip to deliver them.  I told them I would  be taking them in my yellow Bettle VW car.  On the project plan page, many of them drew my car.  It was really cute.  I live in Oregon where we don't get snow much.  We eneded up with an inch and the city basically shuts down, so once I can get to the drop off site, I will deliver them and add some photos for this and also for the students to see the end process.  They really wanted to see the kids with the blankets.  I tried to explain that that was not possible.  The idea of foster care for many of them is hard to understand.

I have a reflection journal to have the students complete, when we are back in school, to share how they felt about the process of making the blankets and how they think the kids will feel getting the blanket from other kids helping them.  The journal also encourages the students to think about another service project that they can do in the future.  I look forward to seeing what they think and come up with.  

The last thing that is still in the process of being completed is giving love notes to people at school that help us.  I want the students to recognize all the people in our school community that help us outside our classroom.  We will give notes to the secretary, nurse, cooks, custodian, computer teacher, librarian, gym teacher, and art teacher.  I can add photos after it is completed.  It may be January if we are not back in school before winter break with the snow.

I love Classroom Champions and the experiences that the students, and myself, get to experience.  I love when other teachers walk into my room and see amazing things happening and then hearing it is our Classroom Champions lesson, they are amazed. 

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