Saturday, December 3, 2016

JDH in our Community!

Community in Grade 6 & 7 

Where oh where did November go? I still cannot believe it is over and we are rushing closer and closer to Christmas Break! 
November brought many exciting things to our Grade 6 and 7 classes, including our first live chat with our mentor Kieran Block! 

Community is a big part of our classroom all year round, so coming up with ideas of how we can help our school and local community seemed like easy work for our kids! 

As part of Canada's 150th Birthday Celebration RBC has launched a campaign called #Make150Count. People tweet at RBC with this hashtags for ideas of how they could make $150 count in their community. Both classes came up with pitches for RBC and tweeted them out in early November. While we did not hear back from RBC it really got the students heads in the game for what's to come. We had so many lovely ideas from giving to the food bank, to buy and splitting wood for someone in need of heat this winter, to donating warm clothing to those who cannot afford it. 

During November we also celebrated the Week of Kindness where we celebrated all of the staff members in our fantastic school. Each student made a thank you card for a staff member and hand delivered it with a hug. It is easy to forget how important the people we see every day are to us! 

This past Monday we had our first live chat with Kieran! The kids were so excited to hear more about his life and to share information about us. We cannot wait to share more of what we are doing with Kieran as the year carries on. Including the essays and letter the grade 7's are writing about why Classroom Champions is such a valuable program! 

Finally, as we move into December the grade 6 and 7's are busy planning what we are going to do for our community before our break. We have plans to bake 150 cookies to hand deliver to the Long Term Care home just before Christmas! The grade 6's are also working hard every day at learning Silent Night on the Ukulele as well as the words to the song in both English and Arabic as a way to welcome our new classmates and their family members to our school community! Look forward to that video before Christmas - if I can keep my emotions in check long enough to video tape it!

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