Thursday, December 8, 2016


We had a great time helping out our community! We started our discussion by watching the mentor video Lex posted. Then we discussed ways we could help our families, our school community, and our city. We have three Classroom Champions teachers at our school and we decided to work together to host a food drive.
Each class contributed. The first grade class made the posters to encourage donations and the two fifth grade classrooms counted the number of donated cans in the classrooms each day. We had a school competition to encourage donations and we able to collect over 1,000 food items. It was a great success and my students were proud to help their community!

The rest of our month has been filled with excitement. We been preparing for the holidays and working hard in class, so my students were really excited to learn we would have a live chat with Lex! To make it even better, we received our Classroom Champions shirts just the day before. They were excited to wear their new shirts and talk with our mentor.

The students were proud to share our success with the food drive! They also learned more about Lex's training and the advice he had for our holiday break.

The months of November and December have been incredibly busy- but very productive. My students have learned a lot about their role in helping the community and have gotten great advice from our mentor. I'm really excited to continue our lessons in January!

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