Sunday, February 5, 2017

Perseverance Month

We really enjoyed watching Lex's video lesson about perseverance. The students always get so excited when I tell them we are going to get to watch a message from Lex. He is an amazing mentor for my students. The students were very interested to hear about how Lex and persevered through challenges in his life.

After watching his message, we had a discussion about what Lex did when he had challenges in his life. Then, the students talked about challenges they have had and how they have persevered. After talking as a class, they wrote and draw about times when they have had to persevere.

Some students talked about times when they had trouble learning how to do something but kept trying and were able to improve. Other students talked about things that had happened at home that were really difficult but eventually got better. When the students were done drawing and writing we all sat down in a circle and the students shared their stories.

 This message of perseverance is one of the most powerful ideas for my students. Many of them face incredible challenges and the ability to persevere is going to help them make it through to the other side. This idea goes along very nicely with the idea of having a growth mindset which is a constant theme in our classroom. My students really understand that if they are not able to do something yet as well as they would like, they can get better at whatever it is with effort and time. The pictures are of the stories that they drew and wrote about their experiences with perseverance.

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