Wednesday, October 26, 2016

September Monthly Summary

Oh my is in full swing and I am behind in all areas! I apologize for this being super late.

As a class, we met our mentor, Clark Rachfal in his welcome video. Students (and Mrs. James) were so impressed with Clark. Even though he is legally blind, he rides a bicycle! Mrs. James is particularly happy that Clark shared his dog, Summit, with us. She has two rescue dogs of her own, Louie and Ellie James.

Once my students watched the goal setting video from Clark Rachfal, our mentor, we debated on how to accept the challenge of creating a goal that could be broken down into smaller goals. Being the reading teacher, I steered my class to think of a goal that would go along with reading!

As a class, we decided to have a goal for each student to read 40 books this school year. Students broke the goal down into 5, 10, 20, 30, and then finally 40 books.

Students were presented a lesson on how to pick the best books for yourself. We used the I PICK process for choosing a good fit book.

I - I choose a book.

P - Purpose: WHY do I want to read it?
I - Interest: Does it interest me?
C - Comprehension: Am I understanding what I'm reading?
K - Know: I know most of the words.

Students are keeping a list of books that they are reading but also books that they'd like to read based on the "I Pick" process.

We continue to discuss Growth Mindset and setting personal goals for ourselves. We will do that again now that we are in a new grading period. Pictures will be coming later...

~ Mayor James
Sabal Elementary
Sixth Grade

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